I found a windmill in Holland!

Sunday, January 30, 2011


The adventure begins!! We left Denver on Saturday morning and flew to Newark, NJ. It was so warm in Denver that I forgot to bring my coat. The reality of COLD weather without a coat hit me when I stepped off the plane in NJ. (HAHA!!!! I am praying that the layers I brought will be enough!!) Troy had to go through security twice because he had water in his water bottle. (This is going to be a fun trip!! )
As we were boarding in Newark, I had to go to the bathroom so badly that I left Troy at the gate to "hold the plane" and sprinted to the bathroom before we boarded. Once on the plane, we had a whole row to ourselves. Thank you Lord!!! The flight was great!
Our connection in Munich was smooth and we took a bus out to our plane. As we were driving I realized that we were going to be on a small Propeller plane. I turned to Troy and said "We're gonna be on a prop plane." I wish I had a picture of his face. Below are some pictures of the propeller plane. Oh man!!! It was hilarious, but beautiful flying over the Alps!!!
When we got off the plane in Cluj, I was getting on the bus to go to the terminal and a plane agent chased me down to hand me my passport that fell out of my pocket.......GOODNESS!!!!!! Thank you Jesus for watching over us!!!
Please continue to pray for us!!! We are leaning on His Grace.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Hey everyone....
Well, t-minus....less than 48 hours before we leave on this around the world journey. Troy arrived in Denver this morning and we are busy with preparations.

Here is our schedule:
Saturday, January 29
Denver to Newark Depart 10:20am Arrive 4:10pm
Newark to Munich Depart 5:30pm Arrive 7:40am Sunday, January 30

Sunday, January 30
Munich to Cluj Depart 9:25am Arrive 12:20pm

SAturday, February 5
Cluj to Budapest Depart 6:10am Arrive 6:10am (I know...weird right? It's an hour flight and they are one hour behind Cluj.)

Budapest to Kiev, Ukraine Depart 12:50pm Arrive 3:25pm

Monday, February 7
Kiev to London Depart 2:10pm Arrive 3:45pm

London to Johannesburg Depart 8:05pm Arrive 9:00am (Tuesday, February 8)

Tuesday, February 8
Johannesburg to Lilongwe Depart 10:00am Arrive 12:25pm

Sunday, February 13
Lilongwe to Johannesburg Depart 1:15pm Arrive 3:45pm

Johannesburg to Hong Kong Depart 5:05pm Arrive 12:15pm (Monday, February 14)

Monday, February 14
Hong Kong to Xian Depart 2:35pm Arrive 5:05pm

Saturday, February 19
Xian to Guangzhou Depart 5:20pm Arrive 7:45pm (Overnight stay in Guangzhou)

Sunday, February 20
Guangzhou to Manila Depart 8:45am Arrive 10:55am

Tuesday, February 22
Manila to Honolulu Depart 7:50pm Arrive 11:45am

We will fly to Hilo from Honolulu for three days to see Robyn and recruit at University of Hawaii Hilo. February 22-25 then back to Honolulu for 4 days 25-28 with Shane.

Monday, February 28
Honolulu to Phoenix Depart 11:50pm Arrive 8:43am (Tuesday, March 1)

Thursday, March 3
Phoenix to Denver Depart 10:20am Arrive 12:05pm
PLEASE pray for us!!! I am asking God for safety, protection, and for our luggage to be with us at every stop. Please agree with me!!! :) :) :)

Friday, January 21, 2011


I normally just write about events that are happening on this blog, and keep personal musings to myself. However, I have been in a season of self-examination and contemplation lately, and I thought it might be cool to "blog it".

As a woman, there is no greater desire than to be affirmed in our beauty. We want to feel loved and secure and much of that centers around how we see ourselves, and how we perceive that others see us. Wrong or right, we need affirmation of our beauty. In a perfect world, we would be satisfied with God's approval and that would be all that we needed. Truly, that is the aim of most Christian women I know...to be confident that we are accepted in the Beloved, and therefore, if men don't notice us, we are ok with it.

Having said that, I don't know a single woman who is able to accomplish that goal of being completely secure in Christ and not caring what men think about our appearance. It matters so much, that we can, quite literally, have a ruined day from a snide comment or off-hand remark.

Should we let the opinions of men influence us so greatly? Probably not. Yet, so often we struggle and struggle and struggle to put our beauty in God's hands and trust Him with it. It's so hard to live on earth and not compare ourselves to others. It is so hard to be alone with no physical representations of love. Is God enough? Yes. He is. Does it always "feel" like He is? No. It does not.

From the time I was 13, my beauty has been assaulted on numerous occasions with crushing blows. For MANY years, the words spoken to me by careless boys defined my perception of myself as "ugly", "unattractive" and "undesirable". God has relentlessly pursued me during this time to affirm that HE had a plan and HE loved me as I was. He continued to put dreams in my heart that only HE could fulfill and STILL challenges me to believe them.

In the past 5 years, I have been more confident than I ever have been. God's identity for me started to take root and I began to move beyond the things that men had said about me. I made changes for the better and fell in love with my creator. I got to the place where He became my "Everything". I was content. I was blessed and enjoyed being spoiled by my Heavenly Father. The dream of an earthly companion did not go away, but it did not seem so desperately important.

In the past month, the enemy has started a fresh assault. He has attacked the person that God created me to be and has begun new lies. "You are too independent now, no man will be brave enough to pursue you." "You are too picky." "You are a coward for not wanting to meet a man who does not have the same desires for ministry." etc. etc. Somehow, assaults on my character also make me feel ugly! It's amazing how the enemy pushes buttons.

God is faithful. I have maintained that statement for so many years, it just rolls off my tongue and I don't even think about what I am saying! But, it's true. I believe that what He says is true. If HE says I am accepted. I am.

Mercy Me recently released a song called "Beautiful". Some of the words are so poignant to me at this time. "Praying that you have the heart to fight. Cuz you are more than what is hurting you tonight. For all the lies you've held inside so long...they are nothing in the shadow of the Cross. ......You're the one HE loves...enough to die. You're beautiful. You are made for so much more than all of this. You are treasured, you are sacred, you are HIS."

My prayer is that you who read this will truly search your hearts and ask God to come and heal the broken places that have come as the result of careless words. I don't think that any of us realize how deadly we can be when we speak. I am convicted to watch my tongue and to try to speak life....and only life. It is a challenge, but may I never be one who robs another of the dream God has for them because of what they believe based on my words and actions.

Hmm...that felt good to say! Lord, have your way. :)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Happy New Year 2011!!!!

New Year's is my favorite Holiday. I love the freshness of a new year with no mistakes in it. I know that we are to live rightly everyday, but I love the thought of a new start. A new year with nothing written in it yet. This year, I started celebrating early by attending a birthday party for my friend Lorrie. She has been on bed rest for over a year with a severe health issue. A few of us gathered to celebrate her life and hang out. Happy Birthday Lorrie!! You are a special lady and I admire your strength.
One of the things that I love about my job is getting to entertain alumni from Crossover. I love when they come to Denver so that I can show them around. Amber Satterfield came to visit for a week around New Year's, and we had a great time with her brother. We went to Red Rocks Amphitheater on the coldest day of the winter thus far. The views from there are breath-taking (Or maybe that was the 9 million stairs to get to the top!?) :)
We brought in the new year by attending a "Mafia" party at the home of Alex and Alisa Wood.

Many people dressed up as Mafia and there was even a victim in costume! It was super fun to ring in the new year with fun, laughter and friends.
We also spent a lot of time with Crossover friends playing games, shopping, sledding, playing Basketball, and bowling.
I had a new adventure a couple of days after new years. I know it is not a big deal to some people, but I had my first ever Oyster. Zo was a trooper and took one with me. It was a "true bonding experience!" haha!!
Happy New Year to all! May God's richest blessings follow us and show us more of His love in 2011.